
API Integration

What is a dynamic API?

The Dynamic API is a thin layer on top of the data object layer. It is designed to further ease the use of . NET with RDF data and to provide a model for persisting data in systems that make use of the .NET dynamic keyword

Support all REST/HTTP methods

Obey a standard output format

Authentication Server / Module

An authentication module is a plug-in that collects user information such as a user ID and password, and compares the information against entries in a database.

Our business is expanding! We have a real need to manage a list of users of many types, and control their access to our data accordingly. The system to be built will have the following core features:

1- Users can create an account, associated with a “role”.

2- User Roles will be pre-defined and will each have a list of allowed capabilities.

- admin can read, create, update, delete
- editor can read, create, update
- writer can read, create
- user can read 3- Users can then login with a valid username and password

4- Alternatively, users can login using an OAuth provider such as Google or GitHub

- In this case, users should be automatically assigned the role of user 5- Once logged in, Users can then access any route on the server, so long as they are permitted by the capabilities that match their role.

- For example, a route that deletes records should only work if your user role is “admin”

Review API Server Build

Review Auth Server Build